The CAE coordinates several scholarships which are designated to support students with disabilities for specific disability-related needs.

Apply for a Scholarship

The Will Rogers Memorial Scholarship

The Will Rogers Memorial Scholarship is typically awarded for items that will help in ameliorating the effects of a student's disability. Examples of items that have been supported by the scholarship include: Livescribe pens, voice recognition programs, and text-to-speech programs (e.g. Kurzweil). Please complete a Will Rogers Request form and the committee will review your scholarship request.

The Philip & Artemis Tamoush Scholarship

To qualify, you must be: a student at UCLA who is an amputee, were born with a limb difference, or otherwise experienced limb loss. Student must be in excellent academic standing (with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA). This scholarship is provided thanks to a generous donation from Philip and Artemis Tamoush. Mr. Tamoush is a UCLA Alumni, and amputee. The CAE will award 2- $2000 scholarships. There are no limitations on how the scholarship recipients may use the awarded funds. To apply, please complete the application at this link: The Philip & Artemis Tamoush Scholarship.

Please note that a breakfast or lunch will be planned with the scholarship recipients, benefactors of the scholarship, and relevant CAE staff.

The Personal Interest Statement (required) is limited to one single-spaced page (approximately 3,500 characters). It must explain (a) who you are and why you are is interested in this scholarship; (b) how you meet the qualifications of the scholarship, and (c) your goals and how a scholarship will help with these goals. NOTE: if you are submitting an attachment, please state so in this section and attach your one-page statement to the following section.

Neilsen Scholarship Program (NSP)

The goal of the Neilsen Scholarship Program (NSP) is to support students with spinal cord injury in their pursuit of higher education. In an effort to eliminate barriers to academic success, these scholarships cover tuition and fees for undergraduate or graduate studies, and provide supplemental financial support for eligible students to pursue an education in their chosen degree program.

Students interested in applying or learning more information about this opportunity should contact CAE Administrative Services Manager, Tania Lopez, at for more information.

Craig H. Neilsen Foundation is dedicated to supporting both programs and scientific research to improve the quality of life for those affected by and living with spinal cord injury. More information about the Neilsen Foundation and their groundbreaking work can be found on their website.

Campbell Family Scholarship for Visually-Impaired Students

To qualify for the Campbell Family Scholarship for Visually-Impaired Students, you must be a student at UCLA who is blind or partially sighted. To apply, please submit a one-page essay about yourself and how this scholarship will help you achieve your academic goals. Include your anticipated graduation date. Award amounts vary. Contact the CAE Administrative Services Manager, Tania Lopez (, with any questions or to submit your request.

Dr. Bernard Sanghyun Kim Memorial Scholarship Fund for the Hearing Impaired

To qualify, you must be: a student at UCLA who is Deaf or hard of hearing, in financial need based on UCLA Financial Aid standards, and in excellent academic standing (with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA). To apply submit a one-page essay about yourself, your goals and how a scholarship would help with those goals. Include your student ID number, anticipated date of graduation and email address. Award amounts vary. Contact the CAE Administrative Services Manager, Tania Lopez (, with any questions or to submit your request.

Disability in Career Development Program

The UCLA Center for Accessible Education (CAE) Disability in Career Development Program provides a small stipend ($250 - $500) on a quarterly basis to students with disabilities registered with CAE pursuing an internship, shadowing, or other experiential learning opportunities connected to a career outcome. Students must apply for the award each quarter, sharing information about their disability-related impacts and how pursuing the internship, shadowing, or experiential learning opportunity will lead to great career opportunities for them. Students must also demonstrate a financial need for the stipend, specifically outlining how the stipend will specifically help them engage in the opportunity they are pursuing. Students who are awarded a stipend will also need to submit a short reflection (2-3 paragraphs) on engaging in the internship, shadowing, and experiential learning opportunity afterwards.