Do provide reasonable accommodations as approved by the CAE.

Don’t make assumptions about a student’s ability to study in a particular field.

Do treat students with disabilities with the same courtesies you would afford to other students.

Don’t engage in philosophical debates about fairness to other students, or whether providing accommodations somehow violates academic freedom.

Do assist students in following the University’s policies, such as requirements that all requests for accommodations be lodged with the CAE and not individual instructional staff.

Don’t refuse to permit students to tape record a lecture or use assistive technology. General policies which permit instructors to refuse the use of tape recorders, without providing for their use by students with disabilities, are legally insufficient.

Don’t refuse accommodations until you have personally evaluated a student’s disability documentation. Eligibility for services is the job of the CAE, not instructional staff.

Do respect the privacy of students with disabilities. They need not disclose their disability. They are only required to disclose to the CAE in order to receive services.

Don’t challenge the legitimacy of a student's disability. Most are invisible.

Do treat disability information which has been disclosed to you as confidential. Do provide exams to the CAE Proctoring Center in a timely fashion.

Do consider sharing course notes with students approved for peer notetaking, or developing an online forum for all students in your course to share their notes. This one is way to build an inclusive, universally designed classroom environment that eliminates the need for accommodations.