Remote Access Accommodation Approval Process

CAE staff know that going through remote access accommodation request process can be lengthy and confusing for many students. Below, you will find important information about our remote access accommodation process to clarify any questions you may have and communicate transparently about what you can expect from CAE.

How do I request remote access for my classes as an accommodation?

I am already registered with CAE:

  1. There is no need to re-apply to CAE.
  2. Please email your CAE Disability Specialist with your request- please be specific in which classes you are asking for support and provide the syllabi for each.
  3. Additional documentation from your provider specifically addressing this accommodation request may be required.

I am NOT registered with CAE yet:

  1. Apply for CAE Academic Accommodations.
  2. Provide supporting documentation.
  3. Monitor your UCLA email for status updates and next steps.

*Please note these important details:

  • To ensure timely processing of requests, students should submit a request as soon as courses are finalized (or at least 2-3 weeks before your classesbegins). Later submitted requests will still be considered, but course delivery options may be limited past this deadline.
  • Remote access, if approved, is on a per-quarter/semester basis, and course-by-course basis.
    • Students who are approved for remote participation in one course will not be automatically eligible for remote instruction in other courses or in future quarters/semesters.
    • If you were approved for an accommodation for a previous quarter, your request will need to be re-assessed and may require new documentation.
    • Please contact your CAE Disability Specialist for more information and to make the request*

What information does CAE need from documentation to assess for remote access as an accommodation?

Students are able to submit our Verification of Disability formto support their remote access accommodation request. If you are procuring documentation or a letter of support from a third party provider, the CAE has also found it very helpful if the following information can be included in your documentation:

  1. Describe your professional relationship with the student on which you are basing your treatment plan (e.g. type of treatment, length/history of relationship).
  2. Please confirm the student’s relevant medical or mental health diagnoses and state whether you believe that the requesting person meets the definition of having a disability as defined by the ADA, as described here: (if unsure about disability qualification, please state).
  3. A statement of support for accommodations to specifically address how the nature and degree of your disability directly relate to your need for the recommended accommodations. If you have recommendations for non-pharmaceutical mitigation measures and academic adjustments that would sufficiently address the concerns, please identify which ones and any combinations that are suggested.
  4. If the provider believes that there are no non-pharmaceutical interventions and/or academic adjustments that would sufficiently address the disability-related concerns, and you are recommending the accommodation of remote participation, please include anestimated end date when the student should be able to resume in-person participation. If you have recommendations on parameters or accommodations to support their return to in-person participation, please share.
  5. If you are recommending only remote participation, please describe the relationship between the request for an accommodation for remote participation for disability-related reasons and the barrier impacting the students’ ability to engage in full and meaningful participation in an on-campus experience. Questions to consider include:
    1. Compared to their peers, what significant negative impacts will this student face if they are on campus?
    2. How would remote participation mitigate these negative impacts in a manner that other mitigations will not achieve and in ways that go beyond the typical benefits any individual receives from having online classes?
    3. Do you believe that remote participation is essential for the student to effectively participate in and benefit from their academic work?

What can I do if I have difficulty obtaining or providing documentation to support that I need remote access as an accommodation?

If students are concerned about obtaining or providing documentation required to register with the office, please reach out to CAE for assistance. We also recommend outreaching to the available campus resources listed below:

You can also reach out to CAE:

  1. Apply for CAE Academic Accommodations
  2. Email
  3. Monitor your UCLA email for status updates and next steps

Disclosures: CAE will not use or disclose any medical information you provide for any other purposes unless you authorize such disclosure or if such disclosure is otherwise required by law.

Why would remote access to a course be denied?

When considering any accommodation request, CAE must determine if approving or implementing the accommodation would create a fundamental alteration to the course, how the course is assessed, or how the course was intended to be delivered. Whether an accommodation is “reasonable” – as defined by the ADA and Section 504 – requires CAE to engage in the interactive process with the student, department, and instructor of record.

When a remote request is received by CAE, we engage in an in-depth review of the course to determine whether it can be equitably delivered in a remote format. To assess this, CAE works with the instructor of record to review the content of the course, current delivery method of the course, and current technological capabilities of the assigned course meeting space. As this review must be conducted on a course-by-course basis, students are required to make the accommodation request each term.

If remote access would not provide a truly equivalent learning experience for the student, or would require a fundamental alteration to the stated learning objectives of the course, the request would be denied. In those instances, CAE would investigate alternate accommodations that would reduce the disability related barrier to allow the student to safely attend the course in person.

What other alternative accommodations or support could be offered if remote access is not approved as an accommodation?

  • Notetaking Support- Notetakers provided to attend in person and provide notes and/or individual recordings of the lectures
  • Taking a reduced course load to limit potential exposure/time on campus
  • Adjusted attendance in consultation with CAE
  • Enrolling in a course with fewer total students to limit exposure
  • Access to additional personal protective equipment

What if I am not a student with a disability but would like to request remote access? What is available to all students?

The following are academic adjustments suggestions that are available to all UCLA students:

  • Enroll in courses already being taught in a remote format (refer to Course Planner in MyUCLA).
      • Advising support is available to assess “reordering” certain courses in students academic plans to prioritize remote courses now, delaying the required in-person courses until a future semester
  • Enroll in courses that are taught in camera-equipped classrooms, and attend through viewing the recorded or live-streamed lecture.
  • Returning undergraduates can Declare Nonattendance for the quarter, or take a Leave of Absence (Planned Academic Leave- PAL) if needing to take off 2 or more consecutive quarters).
      • Graduate students can take a LOA in accordance with Graduate Division policies.

What if I still have questions?

I am already registered with CAE:

  1. Please email your CAE Disability Specialist.

I am NOT registered with CAE yet:

  1. Email
  2. Attend a Disability Specialist Drop-in hour. Please refer to the calendar on the CAE website at to see drop-in days an times.