Welcome to Neurodiversity Celebration Week, taking place May 1st to May 3rd, 2024, and hosted by the Center for Accessible Education and the Bruin Neurodiversity Collective. We're excited to be partnering with different departments and student organizations to celebrate the contributions of Neurodivergent Bruins to campus. During this week, we encourage you to learn how neurodiversity is a critical part of the fabric of campus and reflect on how you can embrace and honor the different ways Bruins learn and engage on campus.
We welcome you to a variety of events taking place on campus during the week and to utilize the resources to launch your own inclusion efforts of Neurodivergent Bruins!
What is Neurodiversity?
Neurodiversity defines human diversity as including individual brain differences and, as a concept, emphasizes there is no standard way (or "norm") of thinking, learning, processing information, or behaving. As an overarching concept, it often defined to include neurological differences such as ADHD, learning disabilities, and Autism Spectrum Disorder, but includes the innumerable varieties of human brain function and behavior.
Most importantly, Neurodiversity is an antideficit framework positing that there are positive outcomes for both neurodivergent and neurotypical individuals when we make room for neurodivergent individuals to engage with others in a way that is most familiar and comfortable to them. Furthermore, it encourages neurotypical individuals to examine the barriers they create and assumption they make that challenge neurodivergent functioning and systematically exclude neurodivergent individuals.
Resources For Further Learning
- UCLA All Brains Student Organization
- Disabled Student Union Student Organization
- Neurodiversity Resource Packet (created by All Brains)
- Neurodiversity 101 Graphics (created by All Brains)
- Neurodiversity Primer from Harvard Health
- Article on Embracing Autism from UCLA Student, Ryan Neale
- Chroniclearticle on the Neurodivergent Faculty Narrative
- Chroniclearticle on teaching Neurodivergent Students
Calendar of Events
- *POSTPONED* Professor Panel on Neurodiversity - Wednesday, May 1st from 6:30-7:30 PM (Zoom link available soon)
- BNC x All Brains x Autism Advocacy Social - Thursday, May 2nd from 7 PM- 9 PM Bradley Hall 300
- BNC x CAE Meet and Greet! - Friday, May 3rd from 10 am - 3 pm Bruin Walk